Gaming activities

Gaming of all kinds is close to my heart: computer games, board games, tabletop roleplaying games, etc. I have played in and run various tabletop RPG campaigns and one-shots over the years.

I gamemaster Planescape. Since summer 2018, I have been running a group of friends through classic Plansecape adventures (translated to Finnish), mixed with my own content, with a homebrew variant of the Fudge system. The 50+ sessions started in Helsinki and now continue online, roughly once in two weeks.

I gamemaster D&D 5E. In fall 2020, I gathered a new group in Tallinn to play D&D in a dark fantasy homebrew world every other week.

I gamemaster The One Ring 2E. This includes convention games in the Finnish roleplaying event Ropecon.

I also create my own content. In addition to the adventures and homebrew rules for my campaigns, I have been tinkering with my own game systems for some time now. Stay tuned.

My interests also include various other related activities, sci-fi, fantasy, and general geek culture.

Fornost Erain

Fornost Erain, Norbury of the Kings. The bygone capital of the Northern Kingdom, whose ruins lie only a week’s distance from Bree. Stories tell of its sad history and fall under the Shadow a thousand years ago. Men say the place is haunted and call it Deadmen’s Dike. No sane person walks there, but people whisper of forgotten secrets hidden in the abandoned halls, guarded by nameless horrors.

For centuries, Fornost slept, visited only by the watchful Rangers of the North. Now, the ancient city has awoken. One stormy night, lightning struck and the earth shook on the hills, and now rumours speak of unearthed treasure and eerie lights in the night. Whatever lies buried beneath the ruins is stirring, and sinister forces are moving to make their plays.

Who has broken the peace of the dead city? What dark secrets are sealed within, and what happens if they break free? What, exactly, happened here, one thousand years ago? The mysteries are many. Only one thing is certain:

Fornost needs heroes.

This is a fan supplement for The One Ring roleplaying game by Free League Publishing.


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