Gaming activities

Gaming of all kinds is close to my heart: computer games, board games, tabletop roleplaying games, etc. I have played in and run various tabletop RPG campaigns and one-shots over the years.

I gamemaster Planescape. Since summer 2018, I have been running a group of friends through classic Plansecape adventures (translated to Finnish), mixed with my own content, with a homebrew variant of the Fudge system. The 50+ sessions started in Helsinki and now continue online, roughly once in two weeks.

I gamemaster D&D 5E. In fall 2020, I gathered a new group in Tallinn to play D&D in a dark fantasy homebrew world every other week.

I gamemaster The One Ring 2E. This includes convention games in the Finnish roleplaying event Ropecon.

I also create my own content. In addition to the adventures and homebrew rules for my campaigns, I have been tinkering with my own game systems for some time now. Stay tuned.

My interests also include various other related activities, sci-fi, fantasy, and general geek culture.

The One Ring fan supplements

I have written a number of fan supplement for The One Ring roleplaying game by Free League Publishing. Follow the links to the download pages: Fornost Erain, Balin's Expedition.
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